The “I know what I want” booking is for people who would like a specific theme, color or nail design. Talia will work with you to come up with exactly what you’re looking for
The “Talia’s Choice” booking is for people who are open to multiple nail ideas or themes but want Talia to come up with something unique after a consultation of options
The “Talia’s Mystery” booking is for people who want a complete surprise based on ideas Talia wants to create
The "Character" Nail booking is a unique listing where Talia can design something based on some of your favourite characters, movies, tv shows, books and more!
The "Simple" booking is for people who are looking for a simple nail look with minimal nail art. Talia will work with you to come up with exactly what you’re looking for
The "One color bundle" is for people who would like a variety of more simple nails where the only customization is the top coat options